Thursday, April 17, 2014

Promoting Twice...Twice

I know I posted about the website once Twice before (you can still join through that link!), but now I'm going to brag on them again. I finally purchased my first item! And guess how much I paid? $1.11.
Not kidding. 
Here's my order summary:

Here's how:

1. I joined Twice through a link on Facebook that gave me a $10 credit [I don't know if that link is still available on Twice's Facebook page].
2. I downloaded the Twice app on my cell phone which ALSO gave me a $10 credit!
3. I googled "Twice Coupon Codes" and found the code "TRENDSETTER" which gives you 15% off your purchase [This is the same code given if you 'like' their Facebook page]!
4. I applied the coupon code at checkout and Twice automatically applied my credits. And VOILA! :)

Mind you, Twice had already heavily discounted this piece of clothing. If I remember correctly, the original retail price was $58 - discounted to $18.95 by Twice - and then to $1.11 by me. :)

Plus, my darling sis joined through the link I previously posted and sent in some clothes to sell. So once those bad boys sell, that gives me another $20 credit!

And one more thing...if you sign up for Twice's e-mail newsletter [trust me, no one hates getting tons of e-mails more than me, but...], they send you discounts as well! So you, too, can snag a high-end item for less than a meal at Taco Bell.
Talk about savings. Who doesn't have a fuzzy feeling in their heart when they save tons of money?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday Bluesday

Today has been a hard day for me.
The day itself was pretty relaxed, but something happened that just put me in an angry, anxious, and depressed all-at-once funk.
I've felt like I may be irrational to get so worked up over something that in the long run is not a big deal. But I found what happened to be troubling and hurtful, and sometimes you can't help how it makes you feel.
But you can choose how you react to it.
First, I secluded myself for a while, and was very short when talking to people. My mind focused on this one thing and I lay in my bed stewing about it, until I got a little bit of passive-aggressive social media revenge. But I know, revenge is not right. Everyone can't go around getting revenge. My revenge probably went unnoticed. I later removed it.
This sickly feeling in my stomach and the urge to beat the tar out of something latched onto me like the flu. I let myself get angry, and sad, and cry. I didn't feel like cheering myself up, but I didn't want to be a Grumpy Gus all day. So I tried a few things to try and make myself feel better.
This is my list. I thought I'd share. :)

To-Dos for the Blues
[[Take care of yourself when you're down]]

1. Spend some time with God. I'm aware that most likely, everyone reading this is not a Christian, or even believes in God. But I must tell you, He is my go-to, and the One who helps soothe my soul when the world is cruel. I try to spend some time in prayer, venting, praising, and just talking it out. I tried to have some quiet time to let His spirit give me peace, and I will tell you, it is a hard thing to do. It's hard for me to be quiet and still and focus for long, and my mind wanders easily. Especially when I'm emotional and consumed with my own problems. But after reading my bible, a few of my old journal entries, and one of my current favourite books, it kept dawning on me that Jesus was hurt so much deeper than I. And not only that, but He would never hurt me the way this person had.

2. Get active. I think everyone knows that exercise is a good stress reliever. You can put that pent up negative energy into something that will positively affect your body, and I think that's wonderful! I was so mad and restless, I felt like hitting the pavement and going running. But another part of me was lazy and didn't want to. So I used my weighted exercise hula hoop [Which has been working wonders for my mom and I in the stomach area!]. It probably sounds hilarious. Someone angry hula hooping is a hilarious visual. But it was kind of soothing. Yoga is commonly used to calm nerves, but I was much to restless for that. I hula hooped, did a few push-ups, and a plank. You may want to walk, run, dance, kickbox, or grab some weights. Find what works for you, but don't push yourself too hard in rage.

3. Vent. Write it out, talk it out, sing it out, scream it out. Write down your problems and everything you're feeling. Keep it in your journal, or destroy it once you've finished- burn it or throw it away. Or if you're distressed because of a particular person, write them a letter. Take your time to really write out honestly but carefully what has you upset, and describe your feelings. It's up to you whether to send it or not. If that's not your style, talk to a friend or one of your parents. Or talk to your self [don't feel crazy, let yourself vent]. Or as I mentioned before, talk to God. One time I even filmed myself venting about something that was messing me up. It helped!

4. Drive. This is not a good idea for all, because this might result in road rage or distracted driving. But for some people, they really need a good drive to clear their head. I found that driving [and singing really loudly ;)] really helped me put my attention elsewhere. It can be rather soothing. It might be best to find some little-used country roads for cruising. Getting stuck on a high-traffic highway might put you more on edge.

5. Destroy something. When I get that emotional, I have the overwhelming impulse to do something a little crazy. However, actions taken in a moment like that can end up being harmful to you or someone else, or you can end doing some just plain stupid. But you have to get that anger out somehow! My suggestion: Find a safe place and something that will not be missed [Buy something cheap and beat up from a thrift store if you have to], and destroy it - by throwing it, hitting it with a baseball bat, tearing it apart, or burning it.

6. Find new perspective. Like I mentioned earlier, thinking about Jesus in comparison to myself helped me feel better about my problems. So much of our life depends on our attitudes and our reactions. They can hard to control, but sometimes you've got to reign them in and change your outlook. While I think experiencing emotions like anger can be very helpful in getting over them, dwelling on them for too long can breed negative thoughts in your mind. When you're thinking and feeling negative, that not only affects you, but your entire world, and the people around you! And honestly- not many people like being around negative people.
One of the things I did today was make a short list of things that I am thankful for. I have friends that do this when they're angry or upset, and it really helps transform their mood! It didn't magically fix mine, but it did help me smile and think more positively. I really was not in the mood to make such a list, but  I grudgingly grabbed a journal and pen. Once you start making the list, it can be hard to stop, because you start thinking of every little thing that you have to be grateful for! I think not only does it make you feel happier, but it makes God happy to see your thankfulness despite your circumstances. :)

7. Confront. Matthew 18:15-17 is what Jesus has to say about dealing with a brother sinning against you. Jesus wants us to be able to confront each other and talk out our problems. I'll admit, I am pretty terrible about this. With certain people it's not so hard, but usually it's easier to for me to lash out passive-aggressively against that person while my frustration builds, eventually ending in us having a huge argument that finally reveals the truth. I'm not great at confrontation, and I don't like being called out, so sometimes it's hard for me to call others out. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, I usually just try to let it go and do my duty to forgive, instead of stirring things up. That takes a lot of time and discipline, however. Sometimes when you talk it out however, forgiveness comes much easier, because you often find that what you assumed about the other person's motives is not always true. And even if what you assume is true, you can get the closure you need through telling them your grief, and [sometimes] receiving an apology.

I hope that you found something in this post helpful, and if not, I am truly sorry! I try my best to be a good listener and offer advice if needed, so feel free to share any grievances. And of course, if you have any solutions for working through difficult emotions like anger or depression, please feel free to share!


Friday, March 14, 2014

In The Wilderness

It's been a few weeks since I've posted anything...oops. I have been either very busy or had a lot of free time, which I've used either to be utterly lazy, or to cram in a bunch of things I need to get done. But I am still trying to remind myself to take a little bit of time out for the blog and share with everyone. :) 
Today's post will be a little bit different.

I've felt since the end of 2013 that 2014 would be a special year. I have believed it would bring about some kind of change, and it would be a year of growth. And now that we're 3 & 1/2 months into the year, I'm thinking I was right. So far, a lot of things have changed in my own life!
I finally got a job a little over a month ago [more on that later].
I am finally a licensed driver [Yes, I got my driver's license at 19! Not my idea].
I've got a new phone that I am paying for myself, and am on the verge of finally getting my own car.

It's funny how after months [or even years, as in the case of the car and license] of praying and hoping for these things, God brings them to me all at once. You can spend such a long time "in the wilderness" - as I like to put it - waiting for God to send you "manna and quail" or waiting for God to lead you to a kind of "promised land." And then, often when you least expect it, you see the answers to your prayers. Sometimes they seem like a lucky chance, but then as time goes on, you begin to see how God was working behind-the-scenes all along, putting together the pieces of your blessings, preparing the perfect time and place for you to receive them. Sometimes we don't even recognize them at first. Sometimes we don't understand them. But the more you trust God with your desires and your circumstances, the more you see His divine hand rearranging the mess, creating a beautiful picture with the rubble of your life. 
There are still situations in my life that I desperately desire to change. Sometimes I feel like there is no use in praying, because I don't see these things ever changing. But it's not about the way I feel. Despite what I do or don't believe, if God has a will to transform these things, He will. And though my heart may feel discouraged, that does not mean I don't trust Him. I think Christians feel guilty when they have doubts, and aren't fully convinced of the plan of action God will take. But I think true trust is like courage- 

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." *

Having courage does not mean you don't feel afraid, but rather that you press on despite your fear.
In the same way, I think God sees that we truly trust Him when we pray to Him even if we feel like it's hopeless. 
When we credit Him with glory and shout "Thank You!" in the midst of confusing and difficult times. 
When we say "Jesus, I trust you," with all of the conviction we can muster, even if our knees are trembling. 

Whether your life is currently smooth and delightful, or seems unstable and fruitless, know that it's not over. Your circumstances can change in an instant. That knowledge can be extremely comforting or extremely scary. But, with the practice of calling on Jesus and saying, "I trust You" in good and bad conditions, you can become like the apostle Paul and "learn the secret of being content in any and every situation." 

*I have seen this quote credited to several different people. I do not know the original source, so I will leave it to stand alone. :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tea-rrific Tuesday

Today was a lovely day!
I knew it would be when I looked outside and saw the sun shining. This has been a mostly bleak Winter in Florence, with temperatures dropping lower than they have in years. Today was such a sharp contrast- between 60 and 70 degrees with a nice breeze.

So I took a walk. With plenty of hills in our new neighborhood, it was a calf killer. I meant to take my camera with me and take some pictures, but forgot until halfway through my walk! There are such pretty and unique houses in the neighborhood and a creek running yards away from the road.

I also got mail [Which always brightens my day, as long as it's not a bill]! I finally got my free Yogi tea samples! I found the offer through Raining Hot Coupons [Great site!]. Here's how it works: you can get on the Yogi website and send "Well Wishes" to a friend and they'll get a free Yogi sample in the mail. Or you can send yourself one from this link:
It took a few weeks, and you only get one bag of each flavor, but who doesn't love free stuff? And herbal tea? [Plus it comes with a coupon for $1 off a box of Yogi tea!]

I chose the "Deliciously Energizing" combo. I can't wait to try these!

Now go get your own!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

TWICE Promotion

I'm an advocate of Poshmark, where you can buy and sell gently used or even never-been-worn clothing. It's like a big consignment sale. I've sold around $100 worth of items through Posh!

Recently, I came across a similar site- "Twice". They specialize in high-end brands, and only sell items in the nicest condition. You can buy and sell through the site, but they do most of the work- pricing your items and taking pictures of them, etc. (plus they pay the shipping fee when you send in your clothes!). I haven't bought or sold through them yet, but they have a promotion going on that I can't pass up. If I invite a friend and they join Twice, they'll receive a $10 credit, and so will I when they:

a) Send in their clothes to sell
b) Make their first purchase on Twice.

Win win! 

If you're interested, please join through THIS LINK:

Happy Shopping! :)

Monday, December 9, 2013

My Christmas Playlist 2013

I really believe it is "The most wonderful time of the year."
With almost 2 weeks left until the big day, it's time to get in the Christmas spirit. And as we all know, Buddy The Elf says,

"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear."

I believe this. And I love Christmas music, anyway. So I've made a list of my favourite holiday tunes- this includes the classics, the cheesy, and the beautiful. Chances are, I'll think of more later so I'll have to come back later and edit this. :) And please comment with some of your favourite Christmas songs! I'm open for expanding my collection. ;)

Harper's Christmas Playlist 2013:

Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree- Brenda Lee
It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year- Andy Williams
Santa Baby- Eartha Kitt
Jingle Bell Rock- Bobby Helms
The Christmas Song- Nat King Cole
Little Saint Nick- The Beach Boys
Wonderful Christmastime- Paul McCartney and The Wings
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas- Bing Crosby or Johnny Mathis
Baby, It’s Cold Outside- Leon Redbone and Zooey Deschanel, or Bing Crosby and Doris Day
Winter Wonderland- Ray Charles
Happy Holidays- Andy Williams
Run Rudolph, Run- Chuck Berry
Please Come Home For Christmas- The Eagles
Sleigh Ride- Ella Fitzgerland, The Ronettes, or Boston Pops Orchestra
Holly Jolly Christmas- Burl Ives
I’ll Be Home For Christmas- Michael Buble
Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home)- Darlene Love
What Christmas Means To Me- Stevie Wonder
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer- Gene Autry
Carol Of The Bells- Trans-Siberian Orchestra
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen/We Three Kings- The Barenaked Ladies ft. Sarah McLachlan
All I Want For Christmas Is You (Super Festive)- Mariah Carey
Carole Of The Bells/Deck The Halls- Robert Shaw Chorale
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas- Judy Garland or Frank Sinatra
O Holy Night- Josh Groban
All I Want For Christmas Is You- Vince Vance & The Valiants
Blue Christmas- Elvis Presley
White Christmas- The Drifters
Here Comes Santa Clause- Gene Autry
Winter Wonderland- Darlene Love
Happy Christmas (War Is Over)- John Lennon
Let It Snow- Dean Martin or Michael Buble
Feliz Navidad- Jose Feliciano
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus- The Jackson 5
All That I Want- The Weepies
All Alone On Christmas- Darlene Love
Christmas Canon- Trans-Siberian Orchestra
You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch- Boris Karloff
Anything by Manheim Steamroller

Monday, November 25, 2013

9 Thanksgiving Traditions To Try

I heart holiday traditions. I heart them.

But the older I get, the more traditions seem to change. Usually I am not OK with this...but I'm learning to become more flexible. After all, old traditions are often replaced by new ones that are also pretty fun.

This year's Thanksgiving will be different. Neither of my sisters will be coming home until Christmas, so our table will be a little (2 sisters, 2 brother-in-laws, and 2 nephews/nieces) smaller. Not only that, but our table will be at my aunt and uncle's house instead of our own. Sigh.
I am trying to remain optimistic about this. After all, it's only one year. And even though it may not be what I would have chosen, I have to remember that my Thanksgiving is very blessed compared to many out there without family or food.
So I'm trying to make sure to have a very happy Thanksgiving. I thought since it'll be a different kind of holiday anyway, I thought I'd try doing something new this year to make it a little extra fun. I haven't decided on what yet, but as I was coming up with ideas, I thought I'd share some with you!

9 Thanksgiving Tradition Ideas

1. Go See A Movie.
My family has never done this, but I've heard of quite a few who do! I always feel bad for those working on Thanksgiving, but at least they're getting some extra cash. Add to their paychecks and get the family together to check out a new movie.

2. Stay In And Watch A Christmas Movie.
After you finish your Thanksgiving feast, jump right into the Christmas season! Pick out a holiday film and get snuggled up on the couch. 

3. Start A Secret Santa Gift Exchange.
This was a yearly tradition among my siblings and I until we found an online Secret Santa name generator that we can use before Thanksgiving to get an earlier start on our gift shopping. Gather your family or friends and start the tradition yourself! Write the participants names on pieces of paper, fold them up, and have everyone draw a name. Set a gift price limit and have everyone make a wishlist within the limit. 

4. Have A Family Football Game.
Whether you're a family of athletes or not (sometimes it's more fun when you're not ;)), this is a fun way to bond and maybe burn off some of those Thanksgiving calories. You can try kids vs. adults, men vs. women, or family against family. Making up some of your own rules might be fun too!

5. Play A Board Game.
This is a tradition in my family every time we're all together! Some of our favourites include Apples To Apples, Balderdash, Scene-It, and more recently, Telephone Pictionary. 

6. Invite Someone New Over.
Chances are, you know someone who doesn't want to be alone during the holidays. Whether it's the widower down the street, the college student that can't make it home for the holidays, or even a family that's strapped for cash- invite them to eat and have fun with your family. Give them something extra to be thankful for!

7. Save The Leftovers.
I've always been more a Thanksgiving dinner kind of girl- and whether you're like me or in favor of Thanksgiving lunch- you're almost certainly going to have lots of leftovers. Why not make new recipes out of them? Try a "Moist Maker" sandwich like Ross enjoys on Friends, or come up with your own recipes. Food Network's website has plenty for inspiration!

8. Do A Family Photoshoot.
If you've got lots of family around on Turkey Day, why not take some pictures? Chances are, everyone's already dressed nicely, and the Fall leaves make a great backdrop. Grab the camera and smile.

9. Volunteer.
Thanksgiving is one of the most popular times to work in the community. There are several ways to get involved: work in a local soup kitchen, buy groceries or make food for a needy family, or try "random acts of kindness." Examples of these include taping dollar bills to coke machines for a stranger to get a drink or leaving a big tip and nice note for your waiter (There are several blogs with great RAOK ideas!). Make the day about more than pigging out - especially since there are several out there who barely get a meal. 

If your family has their own special Thanksgiving tradition, please share it in a comment! I'd love to hear it! :)